Collaborative idea generation for ELT

Floppy Disk

What does this symbol mean to you?


From PSD Graphics

When was the last time you saw one?

That’s the question Scott Hanselman asks in his amusing look at symbols used as icons on computers. In the comments, there is also a very well-thought-out rebuttal by Micheal Lang.

What would you do with this article in your classroom? You can make any assumptions you like about the context it is used in. Post your ideas in the comments below. All ideas are welcome (there are no wrong answers!)

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Comments on: "Floppy Disk" (3)

  1. eflnotes said:

    like the post! will bookmark for my multimedia students.

    regarding lesson idea:
    1. get students to recognise icons in the post, what functions do they refer to?
    2. then tell them that they are from an article criticising why we still use them for computer functions
    3. get them to see if they can guess the criticisms for each icon
    4. students read article to find out
    5. ask them to list reason why icons continue to be used
    6. get them to read comments section and see if their reasons are listed

    as an extension i would possibly get students to discuss redesigning an icon that the author of the post would approve of


  2. Delightful!
    I may get back to you on this one!
    Thanks once again!

  3. I am only 27 and I don’t have any problems with icons! Yes I’ve handled perfortated film…and 99% seems like a very high number of those who haven’t….anyways

    I’d probably use it to talk about technolgy developements…. or maybe why people lik retro/vintage things.

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